Berkley Financial Specialists is pleased to announce it has updated its Management Liability policy forms for Banks to be inclusive of its operations in New York State. BFS recently completed a thorough review of its Management Liability policy forms for its Bank product. This forms modernization had been available for use across the United States and is now available for use in the NYFTZ. Appointed agents and brokers will have access to these policy forms effective immediately. Through the use of the NYFTZ, we are excited to continue our strategic growth throughout New York State.
If you have any questions regarding our policy forms, our appetite, or just want to discuss Financial Institutions, please reach out to any of our production underwriters, listed below.
Make Sure Your Financial Institution Clients Have the Right Coverage!
Contact any one of the FI insurance experts below for help in making sure your FI customers have the right coverage from a strong, stable company!
Vice President, Practice Leader
Ryan Wenzell 212-497-3740
[email protected]
Northeast Region Seth Jainchill 860-466-7363 | Southeast Region Nicole Rivard 860-801-1492 [email protected] |
Central Region Mike Saccone 303-408-9599 [email protected] | West Region Pete Verretto 206-802-3076 [email protected] |
National Marketing Director
Scott Mynatt 404-443-2076
[email protected]