Prepare NOW…LATER Won’t Matter!

Person standing in flooded room

News of hurricanes reinforces the need to prepare now for potential flooding. No other kind of natural disaster in the United States has caused more deaths and destruction than flooding. Therefore, it’s always best to try to prepare ahead as much as you can.

Floods are a natural process influenced largely by the weather and driven by the amount of rainfall and the length of time it falls. Being prepared is a crucial first step to preventing potential problems before they start. Understanding your insurance coverage can be another step in that process.

We have outlined a few recommendations to assist you in reducing the likelihood of flood damage to your business:

  • Install back-flow valves or standpipes to prevent sewer lines from backing up
  • Install a sump pump system if you have below-grade floors
  • Landscape with plants and vegetation that resist soil erosion
  • Store important documents somewhere other than the 1st level/basement areas
  • Install a flood-detection device that sounds an alarm or calls your phone if it senses water
  • Keep gutters and drainage downspouts clean from leaves and other debris that may clog them
  • Seal walls in lower levels with waterproofing compounds to avoid seepage

For additional recommendations to help protect your business from floods please visit

Make Sure Your Financial Institution Clients Have the Right Coverage!

Business woman smiling shaking handsContact any one of the FI insurance experts below for help in making sure your FI customers have the right coverage from a strong, stable company!

Northeast Region
Jeanne Shrum
[email protected]
Southeast Region
Scott Mynatt
[email protected]
Midatlantic Region
Dave Cassel
[email protected]
South Region
Scott Harris
[email protected]
Midwest Region
Sean Gleason
[email protected]
Northwest Region
Pete Verretto
[email protected]

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