National Cyber Security Awareness Month

Cyber Security Awareness
Cyber security is more important than ever during the COVID-19 pandemic. With many of us working remotely, this creates new opportunities for hackers. Hackers are opportunistic – so they have turned from sending phishing emails to focusing on some of the other tools being used today such as collaboration platforms. Remember – working from home may bring changes for employees, but relaxed security standards should not be one of them.

Prevent This From Happening to YOU!


As we face a wide range of threats, let’s #BECYBERSMART and DO YOUR PART. Begin with reviewing the 5 Ways To Be Cyber Secure At Work:

  1. Treat business information as personal information – in another words, don’t share personal identifiable information to unknow parties or over unsecured networks
  2. Don’t make passwords easy to guess
  3. Keep your software updated
  4. Social media is part of the fraud toolset – avoid oversharing and be aware when using social media
  5. It only takes one time – data breaches can be traced back to a single security incident

For more details on the 5 Ways To Be Cyber Secure At Work click here.

The National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) has launched the COVID-19 Security Resource Library to help individuals and organizations find resources they can use and share. The library consists of videos, free online courses, tip sheets as well as logos and branding to help you promote Cybersecurity Awareness Month in your organization.

Make Sure Your Financial Institution Clients Have the Right Coverage!

Contact any one of the FI insurance experts below for help in making sure your FI customers have the right coverage from a strong, stable company!

Northeast Region
Jeanne Shrum
[email protected]
Southeast Region
Scott Mynatt
[email protected]
Midatlantic Region
Dave Cassel
[email protected]
South Region
Scott Harris
[email protected]
Midwest Region
Sean Gleason
[email protected]
Northwest Region
Pete Verretto
[email protected]

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