2022: The Year Ahead For Employers

Jackson Lewis

As we enter the third year of the pandemic, change continues to be the one constant for employers. Return to office plans have been disrupted by COVID-19 variants and labor shortages. Coalitions of social forces have amplified calls for equal rights and changes in how we work, and policy shifts ushered in by the new administration and influential regulatory agencies converged, creating yet another challenging year ahead for employers.

2022: The Year Ahead for Employers, published by Jackson Lewis, highlights the legislation, litigation, regulation and trends nationwide that will impact businesses in 2022.

As the new year begins so does the third year of a sustained global COVID-19 pandemic. Close to 4,000 lawsuits related to COVID-19 were filed between March 2020 and August 2021. Below are a few key points addressed in the forecasting resource 2022: The Year Ahead for Employers:

  • Return to Work and Remote Work Policies
  • Religious Accommodations
  • Beyond the ETS

Click here to read the entire publication by Jackson Lewis.

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