How did you come to work at Marsh?
I had been an underwriter at AIG for a number of years, and got to know my current manager and other team members through working on some complex accounts. It was a good fit since we already knew we worked well together, and I was ready to make a change from underwriting to the brokerage side.
What is your favorite thing about working in this industry?
It’s never stagnant. Things are always changing—in the world in general, for our clients, and in the insurance industry. So I always feel like I’m learning. Plus there are so many smart, interesting, and fun people.
What do you hope to accomplish professionally in 2022?
I’m trying to be a mentor to a number of our younger colleagues, especially those who started in a mostly remote environment and didn’t have the same opportunities for in-person training that many of us had.
What has been your biggest challenge professionally?
At certain points in my career I have had managers that were very intimidating and hard to please. It took time, but I learned to tune out some of their negative energy, continued to focus on my work, and reminded myself that it wouldn’t last forever. Ultimately, these experiences made me more resilient and better able to advocate for myself in a challenging situation.
What piece of advice would you give to other women in the industry?
Approach new opportunities with an open mind, no matter how different or unexpected they may be. More on that in the next question.
People would be surprised to know…
I started my underwriting career in Dubai selling financial lines products in countries like the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, and Lebanon. I was often the only woman in a meeting, and often many times D&O was brand new to the brokers I was working with and their clients.
Did you have a female role model that inspires/inspired you in your career?
I have an aunt who has held high power roles in her career from the time I can remember—I always looked up to her and knew that having a fulfilling and challenging professional life was important to me.