3 Key Risks When Using AI for Performance Management & Ways to Mitigate Them

ai human resources

Artificial intelligence (AI) tools are fundamentally changing how people work. Tasks that used to be painstaking and time-consuming are now able to be completed in real-time with the assistance of AI.

Many organizations have sought to leverage the benefits of AI in various ways. An organization, for instance, can use AI to screen resumes and identify which candidates are likely to be the most qualified. The organization can also use AI to predict which employees are likely to leave the organization so retention efforts can be implemented.

One AI use that is quickly gaining popularity is performance management of employees. An organization could use AI to summarize internal data and feedback on employees to create performance summaries for managers to review. By constantly collecting this data, the AI tool can help ensure that work achievements or issues are captured in real-time and presented effectively on demand. This can also help facilitate more frequent touchpoints for employee feedback – with less administrative burden – so that organizations can focus more on having meaningful conversations with employees about the feedback they receive and recommended areas of improvement.

While the benefits of using AI have been well publicized, its potential pitfalls have attracted just as much publicity. The use of AI tools in performance management can expose organizations to significant privacy and security risks, which need to be managed through comprehensive policies and procedures.

To learn about the potential risks and mitigation strategies click here.

Source: Our partners at Jackson Lewis P.C.

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